Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic itchy rash that can begin in the first year of life and persist into adulthood.
AD is characterized by very dry skin and patients have periods of severe itching that wax and wane over time. Patients with AD frequently have a personal or family history of allergies, hay fever, or asthma. Genetics definitely plays an important role. Patients with AD have a hyperactive immune system that contributes to their skin disease.
Multiple triggers can cause flare ups of atopic dermatitis some of these triggers include:
- Environmental triggers: dust mites, harsh chemicals, fragrances, certain clothing fibers.
- Changes in climate
- Skin infections from bacterial and fungal (ringworm) causes
- Patients and the families of children with atopic dermatitis can have sleepless nights due to itching, and lost time from work.
Patients and the families of children with atopic dermatitis can have sleepless nights due to itching, and lost time from work.
Control Over AD
Fortunately, there are excellent options to help control and improve atopic dermatitis.
Steps to help atopic dermatitis patients must include improving dry skin with specific moisturizers, identify and avoid triggers that cause flare-ups, prevent secondary skin infections, and return the skin to a normal baseline.
Our providers will put together a treatment plan that focuses on not only clearing a patient’s skin and reducing their symptoms, but also at preventing future outbreaks.
For patients with severe AD that does not improve, there are now new medicines that target the immune hyperactivity seen with atopic dermatitis that can produce long term clearing and are literally life changing for both the patient and family.

*All consults are subject to a fee.