Agnes is a unique minimally invasive radiofrequency microneedling device. Radiofrequency microneedling with Agnes is used to precisely reduce fat, tighten the skin, and treat acne or enlarged pores. The Agnes is a new approach to facial contouring without surgery. The precision single and triple needle system delivers energy to the skin and fat that reduces unwanted fat and tightens the skin. The targeted energy can treat the skin regardless of skin color. Patients see improvement in many facial areas including the neck, chin tightening, as well as the ability to remove lower eye bags and tighten both upper and lower eyelids. We now have a most unique tool in our toolbox that can with precision- reduce volume and fat where patients want.
How It Works
In short, Agnes is a precision micro needling device. Micro needling is a hot topic now but Agnes uses radio frequency to very precisely produce heat and reduce and remove unwanted fat. The treatment tips can target fat exactly where we want.
With this exciting technology we are able to sharply define the jawline. We can actually remove unwanted jowl fat. We can improve and contour the neck as well as heavy nasal labial folds and even under the eye removing eye bags.
The Agnes procedure produces long lasting results. We are literally removing the fat so it is gone permanently.
Downtime is minimal. The swelling occurs within 15 minutes but as soon as the swelling comes down, we can see the improvement in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. Amazingly, we continue to see improved tightening for up to three months. Some patients may require more than one treatment.
Patients often ask if it is painful? The answer is no-our patients are very comfortable. After prepping the area our patients are gently anesthetized in a painless manner. Precision sculpting follows and this allows us to reduce the volume precisely. Prior to Agnes, the only option for removing facial and neck volume was surgical. The Agnes is actually more comfortable than injecting Kybella and produces more consistent results.
For a long time, we have been able to plump up wrinkles with fillers, help tighten the skin with lasers and radio frequency devices, but we have never been able to perform precision fat removal and facial shaping before non-surgically until now.

*All consults are subject to a fee.