Macon Acne Dermatologist

Nail Disorders

Macon Acne Dermatologist

Nail disorders and diseases are may be distinct from diseases of the skin or a part of their skin disease such as psoriasis.. Although nails are a skin appendage, they have their own signs and symptoms which may relate to other medical conditions. 

Nail disorders are numerous and may cause pain and discomfort along with an unusual appearance.

There are dozens of nail diseases and disorders, and a multitude of corresponding treatments. Nail disorders range from simple inflammation to ingrown nails, nail loosening and separation, fungal and/or bacterial infections, psoriatic nails, simple nail trauma, even tumors in the nail matrix.

Nail inspection can give hints to the internal condition of the body as well. Nail disease can be very subtle and should be evaluated by a dermatologist with a focus in this particular area of medicine.

There are numerous nail diseases and disorders, and corresponding treatments. Skin Care Physicians of Georgia treat many different nail disorders including:

  • brittle nails
  • ingrown nails
  • nail removal
  • nail and nail matrix biopsy
  • nail fungal infections
  • thickened nails
  • nail psoriasis

If you notice changes in the appearance of your nails, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation to determine the cause.

*All consults are subject to a fee.